Since 2016, the Movement has been promoted
Healthy Indonesia is a movement that invites Indonesian people to
live a healthier life. Healthy life can be realized because of the move
right, eat righ and drink right. Enough 3
Such steps, we can live with a healthier body, longer life and
certainly more enjoying life. One of the best drinks is drinking water
the mountains.

Now, drinking water has circulated
mineral which come from the mountains.
However, not all of them can meet health standards. Therefore, you are
must be a smart consumer, which beverage products are good or not. False
one recommended by health experts is le Minerale. Le Minerale spring water source comes from pure mountain water treated with attention
cleanliness and hygiene.

Here are the benefits of drinking mountain water
le minerale:

Mountain drinking water turns out to be safe water
from bacterial infections. This water comes from the mountains, then multiplies from the area
higher to the lower area. Because it keeps flowing, bacteria don't like it.
Bacteria only breed in still water or not flowing.

Contains enough oxygen

Le Minerale springs contain a lot
oxygen because it comes from the mountain plateau. Oxygen content
more, of course makes your body healthier.

Exposed to direct sunlight

If the skin is often exposed to ultraviolet light
can cause cancer and other skin problems. But, different from the source
le Minerale spring, if exposed to direct sunlight it is very very
useful for the body. The sun's rays can make water unable
contaminated by bacteria.

Avoid chemicals

Because the source of mineral le spring comes from
plateau, of course avoid disposal of waste that usually contains
chemical material. It means mountain drinking water safe from chemical exposure.
In contrast to water that comes from land or rivers, its treatment
use chemicals such as PAC, soda as, floir gas and chlorine. Ingredients
This can reduce the quality of water content.